Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Meeting Tuesday, December, 16, 2014

6th Grade

Zane and the Hurricane - it was ok. Maybe more elementary.
Prince of Shadows - pretty good. ending seemed abrupt. Ms. Cosgrove-Davies likes this book better than Romeo and Juliet!
Inside Out and Back Again - enjoyable, written in verse - reading it as part of the 40 book challenge
Gregor the Overlander - really good, intense sci-fi fantasy. Fast paced
Blood of Olympus is an abomination - didn't live up to expectations
Pendragon books - a series in sci-fi fantasy

8th Grade

March 7th - NOVA Teen at Washington-Lee

Heart of a Samurai - sprinkled with Japanese so a little hard to follow. Interesting meeting of cultures.
Brisnger - movie not as good as the book - changes in plot and cast of characters
Positive - a memoir, read it in 24 hours. Middle school girl has HIV, tells a friend and is bullied
Popular - a memoir about a girl in 8th grade who does an experiment to see if "rules" she applied from a book from 1951 will make her popular
Steve Jobs: The Man Who Though Different - he was interesting and unlikable which made for an interesting read. He was hard to work with and for
The Selection, The Elite, The One - boy meets girl/ prince and lower class girl
Matched was enjoyable - 2nd book was awful - 3rd gets mixed reviews - it is important to care about the characters in order to root for them and want to continue in their world
Abandoned, Underworld - retelling of Persephone story
Hero's Guide to Saving your Kingdom
False Prince - ending was fine, why keep going?
Frustrating when authors kill off characters because they don't know what to do with them.
King of Attolia - better than the False Prince, series starts with The Thief
The Storyteller - an odd book

7th Grade

Awesome Selection series - must order The Heir
Fantastic Lunar Chronicles - must order Fairest and Winter
AKA (Also Known As) second book called Going Rogue - spy books. girl goes on missions around the work. Moves to NY and has a mission. Probably headed for love. Not as good as the I'd Tell You that I Love You but then I'd have to Kill You.
She's Not Invisible - a really good book. A slow start, but stick with it - it's worth it.Journey of a blind girl and her younger brother as they travel to NY to find their father. Had details that were surprising, like sounds etc.
Uprising - about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory
Waistcoats and Weaponry - not as good as the rest of the series
Things Not Seen - invisibility, blindness
The Geography of You & Me - ok book told in alternating chapters. a slow read.
Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight -

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

TAB meeting - December 2, 2014

6th Grade

Prophecy - helpful to read Prophecy before Warrior (Warrior is on order!) enjoyable, little bit gory, little bit scary but hard to put down
Eon and Eona - has Chinese zodiac and other Asian mythology, another girl main character
The Borrowers - a classic, shows two sides to how people think
A Wrinkle in Time - confusing and random at first, but worth the effort by 3/4 of the way. makes a good audio book
The Mortal Instruments (read Infernal Devices - this is the prequel and amazing) Mortal Instruments not quite as good. has demons and magic.
Torn Away - a little tragic, girl's house gets blown away, divorce, etc.
14th Goldfish - not much about the goldfish, more a family drama
The Clique books - mean girls being mean with a lot of money

8th Grade

Red Madness - story about finding out what causes and how to prevent an illness. How does the disease spread? Early 1900's account. This disease impacted public policy. Includes gross pictures and primary accounts.
Champion - student thinks he can predict the ending, but is assured he can't
Code Name Verity - it's an enigma. Nazi occupied France in a German prison. Female British spy caught and imprisoned. While in prison, the spy is telling stories about her friend. If you have only read the beginning of the book you don't know what is happening yet.
James A Michener - he writes epics - often historical
Inheritance Cycle

7th Grade
Prophecy - liked the blend of ancient mythology, small of bits of romance, and action. Good details and descriptions. Liked the main character, Kira - she is different and defiant. Bit of a slow beginning, but book got better and faster pace as it progressed.
Tiger's Curse - romance, mythology, adventure.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - romance, fantasy,
West of the Moon - really good, fairy tale based,
Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy - fantasy, extraordinarily descriptive, main character keeps the mother alive through her thoughts (not literally),

Monday, November 3, 2014

Third TAB meeting November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

6th grade
NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month - activities at the public library
The Shadow Hero - graphic novel
All the Lovely Bad Ones - a bit creepy
Threatened - takes place in Africa - adventurous
Catching Fire - just started after blazing thru The Hunger Games
The Selection series - fast reads
Chasing Vermeer - really good mystery book - continuing with the series
Under the Never Sky - books one and two -
The Greenglass House - mystery, surprise ending you won't see coming
Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus series are the best books
buy Waistcoats and Weaponry - third book in The Finishing School Series
The Dirt Diary - girl stole money from her college fund and needs to repay it, story is about how she make the money back
Drizzle - about a rhubarb farm
Cinder series Fairest is out on January 27, 2015

8th grade
Bruiser - he takes on other people's injuries if he really cares about them
An Abundance of Katherines - really enjoyable - a little more mature  - more of a high school book very philosophical
A Snicker of Magic - easy book to read - recommended
Blood of Olympus - it was amazing. however, some find the books too formulaic
Stars Like Dust by Asimov midevial/cold war politics in space

7th grade
Dark Secrets 2 - a book of horror stories and murder mysteries
Does My Head Look Big in This? - realistic fiction
West of the Moon - the cover is weird (hideous)
West of the Moon
A Time to Dance - written in verse sad. a dancer who loses a part of her leg. about her rediscovering dance.
Caminar - written in verse - historical fiction
A Mad Wicked Folly - about women's sufferage
Half a Chance - an easy read. realistic fiction
The Agency -  A Spy in the House / The Body at The Tower - Victorian England setting a little bit of romance
The Heir - buy it
Lion Heart is coming out in May
Ready Player One

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Second TAB Meeting, October 21, 2014

6th Grade

  • Blood of Olympus - It's wonderful. Dramatics ahead. Final book in this series. Norse Gods are next.
  • Cinder - Marissa Meyer Dystopian Sci-Fi - Plague, cyborgs, violent Cinderella
  • Lord of the Flies - a Classic. Boys stranded on an island after a plane crash. A study in human nature when order dissolves and chaos arises.
  • Alex Rider Series - ACTION, not afraid to be gritty
  • Sisters (a TAB book) - graphic novel - quick read about a family road trip
  • Drama and Smile also by Sister's author
  • The Fourteenth Goldfish - imagine your grandfather became your age and come to live with you and went to school with you
  • Treaties, Trenches, Mud and Blood - a graphic novel
  • Oracles of Delphi Keep - magical. Girl discovers she has powers. Evil guy wants her powers for himself.
  • Heidi - a classic - about an orphan girl who is going to go live w/ her anti-social uncle
  • Beautiful Creatures - a really good book, but not a strong ending - maybe because it is a series
8th Grade
  • Slated - girl had her memory wiped after terrorist activity so she can have a second chance at life
  • Big Hero 6 comes out November 6 or 7
  • The Giver - read all the books. Really deep. Different from the typical dystopian sci-fi novel (ala Hunger Games, Divergent, etc.) Interesting because of the singular focus on Jonas' character
  • Lois Lowry is a quality writer
  • An Abundance of Katherines 
  • Fangirl - by Rainbow Rowell who was at Central Library. Eleanor & Park also by her and awesome
  • A Snicker of Magic - Girl moved to a magical city. She'd like to stay, but her mother likes to move the family around. Easy, quick read.
  • Gallagher Girl Series - girl goes to a school for spies
  • 1984 - extreme communism. One person tries to resist the machine.
  • Starship Troopers  - futuristic war, aliens
  • Blood of Olympus - feeling a little tired of the series - books are really long. Conversation isn't who is better Jason or Percy, but who is worse. Quality of storytelling/writing declining. He's become to big
  • City of Bones series - end of the series not living up to the quality of the beginning, not as interesting. (strong feelings about uninteresting characters)
  • Ruby Red, Sapphire Blue and Emerald Green - time travel
  • Half Bad - well written. Good witches and bad witches live in this world and the main character is both
7th Grade

  • The Agency - Mystery set in Victorian England. Pickpocket becomes spy after learning how to move through society's circles
  • The Book Thief - sad. historical fiction. WWII setting. Narrated by Death.
  • She is Not Invisible - set in England. Blind girl w/ a younger brother leaves home to find her missing father in NY
  • The Fourteenth Goldfish - science-y cover was appealing. Grandfather finds a cure to aging but is "unaging" and is now a teenager. 
  • The Tiger's Curse - intriguing mystical cover. Girls gets a job at the circus caring for a tiger only to learn that the tiger is really a prince. The beginning of a quest and a series.
  • Torn Away - what happened after a tornado. sad realistic fiction
  • The Revenge of Seven - from Pittacus Lore
  • Reached - third Matched book - not as good as the beginning of the series
  • Blood of Olympus - no narrative w/ Percy or Annabeth, secondary characters had too much of the stage. Felt like original characters abandoned
  • Between Shades of Gray  - historical fiction. Sad representation re WWII
  • Curtsies and Conspiracies - finishing school to learn how to be graceful and how to spy/kill
  • Caminar

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First TAB Meeting, Sept. 24, 2014

6th grade - Books we talked about

Matched  and the books in the series recommended read!
Book Thief
Cold Case - a murder mystery
Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books!!!!!

8th grade - books we talked about and other stuff

The Archived - buy sequels for this year's TAB

Afterworld by Scott Westerfeld

The Eye of Minds - virtual reality

Fault in Our Stars - mixed feeling about this book - not pure love from all students. It is liked for relatability factor, well drawn realistic characters and well written

Reckless and Fearless by Funke

The Lord of the Flies

Five, Six, Seven, Nate! - way better than the first (which was pretty good)

Sisters - Drama was better but this was enjoyable (write who you want to be)


7th Grade  - books and other stuff we talked about

Cress - should be TAB book
looking forward to Fairest and Winter

The Selection books

 Antigoddess - the Greek gods are dying

The Missing series by Haddox

The Unwanteds Series - McMann

The Name of this Book is Secret - the series - interesting writing style

The Maze Runner